Statutory Audits under International Auditing Standards, (IAS) constitute the main professional services provided by MGI Gregoriou & Co Ltd. Our aim is not only to express an opinion on the accounts but also to provide constructive recommendations for improving operational effectiveness and internal controls where necessary.
Special Auditing and Investigations are carried out upon request in cases where the client wishes to evaluate and improve specific controls and procedures on his business.

Our tax team has an in depth knowledge of the double tax treaties signed by Cyprus and possesses the resources to provide tailor made solutions based on the specific requirements and needs of each client.
We specialise in all areas of taxation, such as Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Value Added Tax for both local and international business entities.
Our tax department, manned by experts, provides the following services:
- Preparation and submission of tax returns for companies and individuals
- Tax advice and planning in all matters of taxation such as Personal Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax Immovable Property Tax and Value Added Tax for both local and international business entities
- Preparation of Capital Statements and handling Income Tax Investigations
- Keeping clients informed about new developments in tax legislation through seminars and through our regular Clients’ Newsletter
- International taxation advice

Financial Consultancy
The corporate finance division of our firm can provide a range of services such as:
- Preparation of Feasibility Studies for projects both in Cyprus and overseas
- Preparation of business plans and assistance in raising finance with local banks.
- Company Valuations.
- Due diligence engagements.
- Computer services including advice and assistance in designing, installing and implementing computerised accounting systems
Our firm specialises in preparing companies wishing to go public. We have separate department manned with experienced professionals who provide the following services:
- Preparation of the prospectus
- Preparation of statement in Lieu
- Preparation of Business Plan
- Share valuation
- Consultancy for Mergers/Acquisitions Due diligence